Monday, July 2, 2012

belly belly belly!!!!

                                                                     24 weeks!!!!
26 weeks... I didnt wear this out lol I took my shirt off because you couldn't see Waylon's curves ;)
28 weeks! Whoa momma! getting BIG!!!!

Sorry it took so long for belly pics... just been really busy, and it's been crazy around here....

1 comment:

  1. WE WANT MORE BELLY!! SHOW US THE BUMP- ok let's be serious show us the HUGE, VERY BIG Chunk a munk- you are silly when you say that he is already a chunk- your going to have that boy working on his 6 pack at age 4- He isn't a chunk and I might have to remove him from you if you keep calling him that :) ARE YOU IN THE BED- YOU BETTER HAVE YOUR LAP TOP PROPPED UP ON A PILLOW AND YOU LAYING LIKE QUEEN SHEBA- NURSE TATUM IS IN CHARGE
