Monday, July 23, 2012

32 Weeks!!!!

Never in a million years did I think 32 weeks ago that I would pregnant. But I must say this is the most exciting and eventful thing in my life (so far), and I wouldnt want it any other way!This little munchkin of mine is moving like crazy!  I swear he dances lol country music is his favorite ;)

This week has brought a down side... I am not really allowed to be driving, or be by myself for a long period of time... Because Mr. Waylon can come out ANY MINTUE!!!! AHHHH! I am sooo ready to meet my little man but I hope I am ready (I have been told that no one is ready, and I dont feel like I am)

Today was the first day my dad (Robert Browning), asked me any questions about Waylon. So I am guessing he is finally coming around to being a Popaw (I am not sure what he will be called yet but I think i like Papaw) I think thats how you spell it :) I think Gibby is ready though ;), and Poppi (Todd) is pretty excited he wants to start buying red sox's and Patriots stuff for him. (I am ok with the Red Sox's but he might be alittle heart breaken when he will be wearing Cowboy's stuff :) but I wont break that news to him yet) :)


  1. NO...he will be decked out in WVU stuff and I will go for the Cowboys....I think he will play hockey...Lots of love.

  2. Hey, just by the picture you have not dropped enough...It will be at least a good five weeks before he is here. Don't wish away one of the most exciting things in your life...

  3. See mommy said you had 5 more weeks. But I would be a freak too- like Nana said this is one of the most exciting and most attention getting thing that will happen in your life for awhile. I think you look so cute. Everything is going to be great. I love Tater's comment about diapers. SHe is going to be a lot of help. Is she the same age you were when your mom had her??? Try to have a good time but let them baby you. I love you sweetie be careful NO STEPS
