Friday, July 27, 2012

A much NEEDED Vacation!!!! OBX

Well I hope me and Waylon are physically ready for this beach trip... Keep your fingers crossed that little man wont want to come out there.... I have already got the nearest hospitals on speed dail while I am down there ;)

I am not sure how 6 hours in the car will go but hopeing for the best :) (My doctor isnt completely okay with this trip but she did tell me everything to make it more comfortable for me. I will be bringing 5 to 6 pillows for the car ride and stopping every hour to strech my legs and tummy :) and with walking around all the lighthouses and little town she has advised me to get a wheelchair lol.... I dont think im going to listen to that one.) Since I cant drive looks like ill be a back seat driver this trip ;)

So excited to see my family for this beach trip because the next family trip there will be a little addition to the trip :) So Saturday- Thrusday(July 28- Aug. 2) Me and Waylon will be at the Outer Banks!!!! :)

Monday, July 23, 2012

32 Weeks!!!!

Never in a million years did I think 32 weeks ago that I would pregnant. But I must say this is the most exciting and eventful thing in my life (so far), and I wouldnt want it any other way!This little munchkin of mine is moving like crazy!  I swear he dances lol country music is his favorite ;)

This week has brought a down side... I am not really allowed to be driving, or be by myself for a long period of time... Because Mr. Waylon can come out ANY MINTUE!!!! AHHHH! I am sooo ready to meet my little man but I hope I am ready (I have been told that no one is ready, and I dont feel like I am)

Today was the first day my dad (Robert Browning), asked me any questions about Waylon. So I am guessing he is finally coming around to being a Popaw (I am not sure what he will be called yet but I think i like Papaw) I think thats how you spell it :) I think Gibby is ready though ;), and Poppi (Todd) is pretty excited he wants to start buying red sox's and Patriots stuff for him. (I am ok with the Red Sox's but he might be alittle heart breaken when he will be wearing Cowboy's stuff :) but I wont break that news to him yet) :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Suprise Baby Shower!!!! :)

Well I had no idea that my mom was planning anything.. (SO GREAT JOB GIBBY) :) (and everyone that helped out!!!!) even though she told me 100 times that I messed it up, because I wasn't supposed to ride there with her, but everything seemed to work out :)

I want to THANK everyone for coming and thank you soooooo much for the gifts!!!!
Tatum told me "WHOA you have enough diapers forever!" I told her I don't think that will last even a month, she than told me she will not be changing any diapers, if he will be using that many. lol I love that everyone is excited as me about the arrival of baby Waylon :)

Thanks again for everyone that chipped in with anything from gifts to helping set up for the baby shower!!!!
Me and Waylon really appreciated it :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Went to the Baby Doctor :)

Well after my doctors appointment I am excited but a little scared. Not to mention that was the most PAINFUL visit there :/ lets just say I have no idea how a baby is going to come out of that down there!!!! ouch!

Excited: Because Waylon is healthy with a strong heartbeat :) and growning fast... maybe a little too fast (I personally that I am further along then what they think...)

Scared: Because they want me on complete bed rest :/ they are thinking he is going to come out EARLY..... (if I don't take it easy...) So this beach trip to the Outer Banks might not help with that... but I need a VACATION! :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Well hello 30 weeks!

Well after a long weekend of moving out of my old apartment, during this picture was the first time ALL DAY that Waylon wasn't moving lol.... it must have been a long day for him too! ;)

If anyone has advice for swollen feet I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR IT! because these puppies are huge!

Monday, July 2, 2012

belly belly belly!!!!

                                                                     24 weeks!!!!
26 weeks... I didnt wear this out lol I took my shirt off because you couldn't see Waylon's curves ;)
28 weeks! Whoa momma! getting BIG!!!!

Sorry it took so long for belly pics... just been really busy, and it's been crazy around here....