Friday, April 6, 2012

Baby bump!!!!

16 Weeks!!!!


  1. Can we expect a picture every week?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE???? I would love to see- I know you have some that don't show peanut so well- but add those too (if you want). I cannot believe that you have a baby in there are you sure you didn't eat a big easter egg?

  2. Hello Week 17 and you haven't given us an everything going well??? Anyway I figured you might need a break from me- but now you've trapped me- I've gotten used to your morning updates and our talks and now I stay tuned to this blog but your MIA- I hope you are busy, getting rest and everything is fine! So how is the 17th week? I've been reading up and this week and I have some questions/comments for you:

    I have the what to expect while expecting- the other 2 books talk about when the baby is here. You need the book I have. I can start scanning the parts on what to expect on each week your going thur I know your book is similar but this one is layed out different I can't believe I didn't give to you.

    1- What was ur weigh gain 4 Week 16?? If your still having problems I can do a rally on care packages- so we can fatten you up.

    On to something about it being your 17 week, 4th month.

    Good news according to the "What to expect while expecting" says that you won't have to go to the bathroom as much this month and hey

    this EXPLAINS a lot- it says you will have nasal congestion and occassional nose bleeds and ear stuffiness- That is RIGHT ON With what was going on while you were at Dad's right to the Nose Bleed.

    I finally read something I wanted to see with my own eyes- WHen you have talked about feeling the baby move I had always heard that didn't happen until way later but this book explains that becuase this is your 1st pregnancy and you ARE SLENDER in nature (meaning you have always been thin) that feeling movement in this month/week is not uncommon I knew you felt something but I wasn't sure since I only know what I saw thru all the prego ladies I have been around- and they seemed to be bigger but this makes sense.

    Ok quickly here is some stuff to probably warn ALex
    -Fatigue (Meaning you need a nap when you get home from work and if you can swing it if Michael takes a mornin nap- then nap right beside him in the same room- only if Josh is at daycare obviously
    -Mood comparable to PMS
    -Mood Swings
    -Weepiness (you'll need tissues by the bed- Dollar Store- puffs with lotion $1.00

    BUT once you finally FEEL pregnant you could start coming out of the weepiness and hitting the happiness of what is happening- you will feel joy- maybe some aprehension but only cuz this is your first pregnancy.

    WAIT THIS IS TOTALLY YOU LAST WEEKEND- this is what it says word for word
    "Frustration- if you don't really feel pregnanct yet but your too big for your regular wardrobe and too small for maternity clothes"- you will feel Frustrated- I think I vote yes on that one.

    I know I comment too much but I just want you to know that you are NOT ALONE EVER. I love you and I am so proud of all the changes you have made in just the last couple months. You are going to be a great mother. We have to work on all my little songs so you can sing to the baby while s/he is in the womb -the baby can hear us!! I miss you try to call me tomorrow or I will call you.

  3. Replies
    1. Nana- If you can remember :) which one of us made you a big weepy mess? Who do you think moved first in your belly= I would say Cheri would be the answer to all of them since she was first and I read that the first one is the one you remember the best which makes sese but I was thinking you might remember your last (oh wait that's me) cuz you know that is the last little baby coming??? DId you know that? I thought the Dr. had warned you after Kriste came out- If you think of a birth like coming down a slide I think Kriste sabatoged me- she loosened the bolts so the slide would be shaky for me :) But we all know she couldn't have made it without me following her around thinking she was the queen bee. Anyway I thought maybe you could share some stories with us- since I haven't had the pleasure and this is the month WHit gets a little apprehensive
