Tuesday, April 24, 2012

18 Weeks!

On top of being happy one minute and crying the next (I feel sorry for Alex), I have had a stressful time getting in-touch with my doctor.... Sadly I had to change my ultrasound apt. and doctors apt. to a different day because Alex has a test (but I now have new appointments after almost a week of trying to call to get in-touch with her) .With all my hormones going crazy I thought that I would at least have sleep to help my thru things... WRONG! I have read in my prego book the leg cramps are normal during my second trimester.... and I'm lucky if it only wakes me up 2 times.. But I wake up at least 5 times a night and try to walk it off.. A few times I have ended up face first on the floor.... which was pretty funny :)

Hoping the rest of this pregnancy wont be as bad.

New date to remember:
MAY 3RD!!!!
Ultrasound at 9:45
Doctors Appointment at 10:15
and we are still finding out the sex if the little munchkin will show the goods :)

1 comment:

  1. Of course Healthy is #1 choice but I'm going to make my final answer that the sex of the baby will be (I am rubbing my crystal ball)................................................................................................................................................................A BOY
