Monday, April 30, 2012

20 weeks!!!!

I have a very exciting week ahead of me!!!! For starters I have my doctors appointment, and we finally get to find out what the peanut is!!!! I think that's what I am most excited about :) and to find out if its healthy and in the right spot! Still waiting to hear advice on baby products so if everyone can please post on the "Need some help" or even on this post. I would just like different options and others views on things! Reminder: Thursday May 3rd Ultrasound: 9:45 Doctors appointment: 10:45 So hopefully I will let everyone know how it goes right after :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Need some help!

Me and Alex are trying to start looking for baby stuff... We would love some opinions on what brands to get and what not to get everything from car seats to bottles.

Anything you know or have heard would help!!!!


18 Weeks!

On top of being happy one minute and crying the next (I feel sorry for Alex), I have had a stressful time getting in-touch with my doctor.... Sadly I had to change my ultrasound apt. and doctors apt. to a different day because Alex has a test (but I now have new appointments after almost a week of trying to call to get in-touch with her) .With all my hormones going crazy I thought that I would at least have sleep to help my thru things... WRONG! I have read in my prego book the leg cramps are normal during my second trimester.... and I'm lucky if it only wakes me up 2 times.. But I wake up at least 5 times a night and try to walk it off.. A few times I have ended up face first on the floor.... which was pretty funny :)

Hoping the rest of this pregnancy wont be as bad.

New date to remember:
MAY 3RD!!!!
Ultrasound at 9:45
Doctors Appointment at 10:15
and we are still finding out the sex if the little munchkin will show the goods :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

18 Weeks Baby bump!

Slowly but surely getting bigger. I now only wear maternity clothes....

Saturday, April 14, 2012

17 weeks! (almost 18!!!!!)

Well it's been a rough week.... had to go back to work after a week and a half vacation (which was a big change, from getting to sit on my butt the whole time :) but a much needed time to relax). Sorry I havent been on here updated everyone on what going on, but ive been at my house taking care of the cats... woohoo... But me and peanut are doing fine and s/he wont stay still I think s/he is going to be a gymnast :) I also think I should be buying pizza and pickles in bulk (can't seem to get enough of them!) 

Dates to look forward to:

Wednesday April 25: Ultrasound!!!!! hopefully Finding out what the munchkin is!!!! (yes we decided to find out, because it would be so much easier with picking out baby stuff knowing who its for!)

Thrusday April 26: Doctor Apt. (that may change... ill keep you posted!)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

16 weeks!!!!

April 2: 16 weeks!

I am happy to inform everyone that the munchkin is healthy and has a very strong heartbeat! I just need to learn to eat a few things like meat.... since I am not gaining enough weight but my doctor said that's normal, but as soon as I got back from the doctors all I wanted was KFC's fried chicken, so hopefully that's a good sign ill be able to eat more meat soon!!!!

Cravings: baby cuties(the little oranges), salt and vinegar chips, KFC fried chicken, and still Cici's pizza

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Weekend of Travel

Saturday: Travel day... again!

Well I made it to Bishop, with the help of Caroline riding along with me. I know I cant wait for all the traveling to be over with (I think peanut does too), but I am so glad to see my family!

Sunday: Going home

Made it! I am finally back home, and can not wait for Monday for my doctors appointment!!! I love to hear good news and know that everything is just fine.