Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Something wrong with this picture....

Well I am expected to be popping out this little fella in 2 weeks. I have washed and folded clothes/blankets/towels/etc.I don't know how many times (with the help of my mom (Gibby), and Tatum). I have put together a Pack-n-play, stroller, car seat, and swing (all BY MYSELF!... well with the help of Waylon kicking the whole time ;)...)

(He is going to look cute in these :)... I couldn't get a good picture of mine :/... and let me tell you, putting that stuff together is HARD WORK, when you got a big ol belly in the way!!!!)

I have gotten all the baby supplies organized, and picked out his outfit for his first picture :), and bought enough clothes for a set of triplets :)..... But as you can see no help from baby daddy..... I think I am just venting a little bit BUT I think I am allowed too :) I just want the best for my "little monster" as my dad would say lol. But I am now seeing I really can do this by myself! :) (Well with the help of my family, and friends) :)

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