Sunday, August 12, 2012

35 Weeks!!!! :)

Well I am 35 weeks pregnant :) I have my next Ultrasound this week, and think Auntie Tatum is going to come with me....(Hope it doesn't freak her out lol) He is now "sleeping" thru the night :) hopefully he will keep that schedule when he pops out... (one can only hope). My doctor has talked to me about different ways to get him to "sleep" when I want him to.... I think shes crazy but it has actually worked.

Mommy and Waylon at 35 weeks! :)
(don't mind the wet hair... I have to take a zillion showers a day, because that the only time I don't feel sick... So you can only imagine how Poppi (Todd) feels about the water bill ;)... but I think he is okay knowing it makes me feel better) :)

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