Monday, August 20, 2012

36 weeks!!!!

Well if you haven't heard... Waylon is HALF WAY OUT!!!! My doctor has told me that he is "locked and loaded" (shes a little bit of a nut job... if you ask me) and he could be here any minute!!!! YIKES! She SAYS... that it is going to be a very easy delivery... "3 pushes and done" is what she kept saying..... (We will see about that....) I have to lay down and not get up if I want him to stay in there a little longer. So she thinks he is really coming out this week.... But everything will be fine if he does :) But I am still not dilated yet.

Also, I feel like I should change Waylon's name to Bojangles ;)... because that's all he wants me to eat... but that's not a problem because I LOVE it!

1 comment:

  1. From this week (37) till the last post you doubled in belly- I swear it is twins and one is hiding. I cant wait to hold that little man too.
