Thursday, August 30, 2012

False Labor....

Well I had to go to the hospital last night.... I thought for sure little man was on his way..... WRONG! Turned out to be "false labor" but the contractions I had did what they needed to, because Waylon is on his way out!!!! :) I can't wait till he gets here.... Hopefully soon because its starting to get very hard to walk, and get out of bed...

Sunday, August 26, 2012


(I have finally gotten used to my chubby new features) :)

Well little man has decided he wasn't ready last week. But I know the longer he stays in there the better off it is, but this big ol momma is READY to hold her munchkin, and to get my old body back ;) Everyone will be glad to know I don't bounce on my yoga ball anymore as of last week, because I know he will come out when he is ready. HOPEFULLY SOON!
A better view to see that he has dropped... well as much as he is going to. (I never could have imagined being this big!!!!)

Waylon's First teddy :)

Waylon's first teddy :)

Its a pooh bear just like his Mommy's

(I'm sure you can guess which one is his... but if your having trouble... his is the one on the right)


Monday, August 20, 2012

36 weeks!!!!

Well if you haven't heard... Waylon is HALF WAY OUT!!!! My doctor has told me that he is "locked and loaded" (shes a little bit of a nut job... if you ask me) and he could be here any minute!!!! YIKES! She SAYS... that it is going to be a very easy delivery... "3 pushes and done" is what she kept saying..... (We will see about that....) I have to lay down and not get up if I want him to stay in there a little longer. So she thinks he is really coming out this week.... But everything will be fine if he does :) But I am still not dilated yet.

Also, I feel like I should change Waylon's name to Bojangles ;)... because that's all he wants me to eat... but that's not a problem because I LOVE it!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

35 week Ultrasound!

My little munchkin!

 Here is my little man! He finally took his foot out of his mouth for a second and I got a picture of his face, with his tongue out! :) (this is a front view of his face) hopefully that makes sense.... (also, the circle down from his face is his heel, and his toes were moving that's why its blurry)

Here is Waylon's foot, when it wasn't in his mouth... silly boy! (the foot is on the left and the blob to the right is his face if you look really close the circle right above the ! is his little nose) and yes we counted he has five little toes (on this foot... he wont stop moving to count the other one)   :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Waylon's First Baby Blanket

For anyone that knows me, I still sleep with my baby blanket :) (the Puppy dog blanket on the top) My Grandmom has made me tons of blankets in the past, and she made Waylon his first Baby Blanket... Which just so happens to be a puppy dog blanket too :) (not sure why it turned up so pink but you can image what the colors really look like)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

35 Weeks!!!! :)

Well I am 35 weeks pregnant :) I have my next Ultrasound this week, and think Auntie Tatum is going to come with me....(Hope it doesn't freak her out lol) He is now "sleeping" thru the night :) hopefully he will keep that schedule when he pops out... (one can only hope). My doctor has talked to me about different ways to get him to "sleep" when I want him to.... I think shes crazy but it has actually worked.

Mommy and Waylon at 35 weeks! :)
(don't mind the wet hair... I have to take a zillion showers a day, because that the only time I don't feel sick... So you can only imagine how Poppi (Todd) feels about the water bill ;)... but I think he is okay knowing it makes me feel better) :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Monster Trucks!

Well after spending the whole day helping Tatum shop for school clothes, I thought I could "relax" while watching the Monster Trucks at the dirt track..... WRONG! I almost had a heart attack every time the trucks would jump from one thing to the next. Waylon was doing fine because I was finally sitting down, but as soon as the trucks started up and he "heard" how loud they were he FREAKED OUT!!!! I thought he was going to pop out of me! So I was thankful when Tatum was ready to go home a little early. (and so was Waylon!)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Something wrong with this picture....

Well I am expected to be popping out this little fella in 2 weeks. I have washed and folded clothes/blankets/towels/etc.I don't know how many times (with the help of my mom (Gibby), and Tatum). I have put together a Pack-n-play, stroller, car seat, and swing (all BY MYSELF!... well with the help of Waylon kicking the whole time ;)...)

(He is going to look cute in these :)... I couldn't get a good picture of mine :/... and let me tell you, putting that stuff together is HARD WORK, when you got a big ol belly in the way!!!!)

I have gotten all the baby supplies organized, and picked out his outfit for his first picture :), and bought enough clothes for a set of triplets :)..... But as you can see no help from baby daddy..... I think I am just venting a little bit BUT I think I am allowed too :) I just want the best for my "little monster" as my dad would say lol. But I am now seeing I really can do this by myself! :) (Well with the help of my family, and friends) :)

Monday, August 6, 2012


Happy to say that my doctors visit went well on Monday (Aug 6th) :)
But He is ready to come out... I wish he would stay in my belly forever! I don't want him to see how crazy the real world is :(

Believe it or not HE HAS DROPPED!!!!
(my doctor is saying he will probably come out within the next 2 WEEKS!!!!)