Friday, May 25, 2012

Hello 23 weeks....

Well hello swollen feet that can't fit into my shoes...... :/ hopefully my feet won't get bigger with being pregnant..... I don't want to buy shoes after Mr. Waylon is born. :/ looks like its flip flops the rest of my pregnancy, which I don't mind that because its so HOT! And not to mention the hot flashes that I've been having aren't helping with all this heat! I would also like to thank every mom that didn't tell me about the bladder control problem..... if I sneeze one more time and pee on myself..... I'm not sure what I'm going to do! Lol ( by the way that was a joke I'm not mad at anyone for not telling me that lol) And I've heard pregnancy only goes down hill from now.... but its all worth it for my little munchkin to be here :)

1 comment:

  1. My dear dear Whit- It was so nice to see you at the beginning of June and I can't wait to see you at the beach. I can't find any belly pictures and I think you should add pictures of your milk makers (covered of course)- you are sooo pregnant and so beautiful. As I keep telling you I am proud of you for how you have handled everything- I know you must be feeling a bit anxious and maybe worried but you need to keep reminding yourself that you have one very large and loving family and not just the wacky Heflin's you have the Browning's too and I know I speak for all of us when I say YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO BE ALONE- we will never go away well unless you need some space but no matter what is going on in your life we are all standing by to give you love and support and when we get on your nerves remember all the friends you have- you just have to reach out. I know with all my heart you are going to be a GREAT mom look at all you have already done- I am so proud of how much you have changed and matured. I can't wait to be there with you when our little Waylon comes out- I know I will be a blubbering idiot. You keep your spirits up and get ready to pee all over yourself with laughter at the beach you know I am not scared to embarrass us both:) Seriously you keep reminding yourself how strong you are and all the things that may have you feeling worried will melt away when you see YOUR SON. DId you hear that? I said- YOUR SON. All yours- he will love you like no other boy in the world and you will do the same with him. I have seen it with Nana& Uncle Bobby and with Cheri & Sam and definetly with Lori & Logan- for some reason a mother and a son have a one of a kind bond and I am sure you will do the same. Sometimes it may get rough and you may need a break and that is what I am here for-and I will share him with everyone else too. Anyway i could go on and on but my message is the same- YOU can do this and you can do it well. I love you my sweet WHitster and I love your little munchkin. See you before you know it.
