Friday, June 29, 2012

Sorry about the wait!!!!

Hey everybody! Sorry I havent been on here in a while, just a lot of stuff going on, but finally things are falling in place. There are pictures on the way of my growning belly (which is HUGE!!!!) But atleast people now know I am pregnant and not just big :)

I have finished up most of the registries for Target and Babies-r-us
if you go to either website and click find registry type in Whitney Browning and the state NC and you will be sure to find mine :)

Thank you for all the help, in advance!
Also, if anyone has any baby stuff that they no longer need keep me and Waylon in mind! We dont mind "hand me down's" ;) (I always thought it was Hammydown's... until I was corrected) lol

A few reminders....
Please if buying clothes.... nothing with Daddy/Dad on it or in it, But Mommy is fine :)
Diapers, I do not have a preference... unless someone tells me something I should know.... and please get in all kinds of different sizes :)

1 comment:

  1. I have to tell everyone who hasn't seen Whit yet THAT SHE IS PREGNANT. I think it finally hit me that my Whit is bringing in a baby for us to love and cheish. Don't you worry about apologizing for a wait........remember I saw you for a couple days and YOU NEED TO SLOW DOWN. Baby Waylon is going to want to get out just to see what the heck is going on!! I know you are getting anxious so if all of you experienced mom's out there haven't posted maybe you CAN HELP WHIT out by talking about your last trimester.....I have not been blessed with a baby and I know being with her I was as concerned or maybe just as ignorant of what she will and should be feeling. FOr instance does the baby turn into the birth position more than one time during the last tri or will/can it move to the pelvic area if it has been a busy day for the mom with lots of excercise? If you had to describe what you're body felt like when you began labor (even if you ended up convincing yourself it wasn't labor then later found out it was) what were you feeling, someone told Whit "it would feel like her whole body feels like their is pressure that goes from head to feet". THen you have the "worst period cramps ever" EVERYONE has a different story but I was with Whit a couple nights and I didn't feel very helpful when she had questions-and I am sure some things are 1st time jitters- for those of you who have had multiple children try to remember no knowing what to expect what is normal and what is not. I think it would be helpful to her (and me) as we go into the end of her pregnancy. Yes she has all the books, which has actually made the questions worse. None of them agree on all the symptoms. LAST QUESTION FOR YOU- Epiderl or none- (SP?) whit wants to do this au natural but my family has advised her to keep it as an option. SHe has had some back injuries from cheering and doesn't want to take a chance of a mess up and then she has back issues- BUT with technology and training I think she should be ok and I have heard that an epideral is definetly the way to go- what do you mothers think?? Briana?? Kriste??? Mom??? Cheri???? Lori???? Martha????? Penny?????? I ALSO KNOW SOME OF WHIT'S FRIENDS THAT I DON'T KNOW HAVE WENT THRU THIS. Let's help her out.
