Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's a BOY!!!!

 World meet Waylon, Waylon get ready to meet some crazy people!

 Hopefully everyone can see that this is the head, and this one is the head spine and leg under its belly.

Well my 20 week doctors appointment went great on Thursday! We got some great pictures and here are a few :)

At a whopping 14 oz there is a healthy baby boy growing in my belly :) I freaked out when she put the device on my belly (not sure what its called) but I insantly saw the spine and all the little bones that make it up, and that when it really hit me that I have a baby in my belly!!!!!


  1. My gosh. Now I can get mushy. I guess having kids, grandkids, and great grandkids can do that to a person. I was blessed with another grandchild about six months ago, Marshall, and I was really proud, he is great. To know that you not only give a small part of you to your kids, grandkids but also a great grand child. I am Nana to all my grandkids but I hear I am going to ge GeeGee to the great ones.

    1. BTW I meant to say I like GeeGee for you- that's what we called our GeeGee Ha- you knew that though huh??? Perfecto!! Love to everyone. WE WANT GIBBY- WE WANT GIBBY WHERE IS GIBBY...............OLLIE OLLIE OXEN FREE (What the heck does that mean and why did we say it when we played outside??? Maybe Whit will tell me since she is joining the mom club- I keep telling her that as soon as Waylon comes out that she suddenly is blessed with all the mom secrets-the ones I am still trying to figure out- I guess it wasn't meant for me to know. O well I get to be young forever... Ha Ha

  2. OMG He is already perfect. WHitney you must be on cloud 9 and like you it has really hit me- we have laughed and joked but now we need to thank god for this wonderful miracle. I mean I can see him clearly- he has a little pug nose (not like a dog silly) but like uncle Bobby and ALex (I've been stuying his facebook pictures) He is long just like you were- your daddy's genes coming thru- it would have been great if he was shaking his fist- then we would know Gibby was shinning thru!! Just kidding this is sooooo awesome. I can deal with not having kids- but when I see these kind of pictures I am so curious how your body just makes room and makes sure it is all ok- I LOVE HIM SO MUCH ALREADY. See how I said your heart always makes room. I am so glad that I got on here- I have had one of the MOST stressful weekends ever and I know I dropped out of site but seeing him and knowing you are soooo happy just makes my heart soar. I love you Waylon (although I am giving you a nickname :) just kidding it has already frown on me. Enjoy every second OH some unsolicitated advice- take your bump pictures like the 1st one with your shirt up so we can see. Yes I am a baby bump stalker. I love you Whitney Ann Browning. Oh the things I am going to teach him!!

  3. Too bad technology hasn't figured out a way to put a teeny tiny camera in your embryo sac so it would be like Waylon Reality TV all day and all night. I swear if they come out with that (the camera I mean)- and you know they will I am going to be broke and pissed. But back to Waylon I would love to watch him all day in there to see how he moves I am creepy aren't I?????? NO I am just full of AWE babies and mommy's are SUCH miracles. I've watched those pictures and he hasn't moved I think something is wrong. Ha Ha- just trying to get you like we got your mom. Call you later once Bruce leaves. Love to you
