Friday, May 25, 2012

Hello 23 weeks....

Well hello swollen feet that can't fit into my shoes...... :/ hopefully my feet won't get bigger with being pregnant..... I don't want to buy shoes after Mr. Waylon is born. :/ looks like its flip flops the rest of my pregnancy, which I don't mind that because its so HOT! And not to mention the hot flashes that I've been having aren't helping with all this heat! I would also like to thank every mom that didn't tell me about the bladder control problem..... if I sneeze one more time and pee on myself..... I'm not sure what I'm going to do! Lol ( by the way that was a joke I'm not mad at anyone for not telling me that lol) And I've heard pregnancy only goes down hill from now.... but its all worth it for my little munchkin to be here :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's a BOY!!!!

 World meet Waylon, Waylon get ready to meet some crazy people!

 Hopefully everyone can see that this is the head, and this one is the head spine and leg under its belly.

Well my 20 week doctors appointment went great on Thursday! We got some great pictures and here are a few :)

At a whopping 14 oz there is a healthy baby boy growing in my belly :) I freaked out when she put the device on my belly (not sure what its called) but I insantly saw the spine and all the little bones that make it up, and that when it really hit me that I have a baby in my belly!!!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday May 2nd!!!!

Well I have had better days... I am not sure if I have made my self sick by being so excited and nervous about finding out what the munchkin is, but I had to leave the boys early today and take the day off :/ I have bee trying to take it easy today because tomorrow is the big day! Hopefully ill get some sleep tonight! Wish me luck!

On the bright side Alex and I have finally decided the names for either a boy or a girl :) and while laying down today I had my hand on my tummy and actually felt it move for the first time on the outside :) So hopefully peanut will move around so Alex can feel it to!