Sunday, March 25, 2012



I feel like everyone is going to be thinking of a few of these and I just want almost everything answered already. But I would still love to answer any questions :)

-Was this planned?

No, this wasn't planned but were excited and hoping for the best.

-Am I getting married?

Me and Alex (the boyfriend/Daddy) don't want a baby to cause a marriage, or to be rushed into anything. We want to be 100% sure of our decisions after this big one.

-How far along am I?

Well today is Sunday, so im still in my 14th week (14 weeks and 6 days). As of Monday (March 26) Ill be 15 weeks :) The Doctors have put my due date to be September 17 2012!

-Do we know what it is?

Not yet :(....Alex wants to wait, but I think I can talk him out of that ;). If you know me I need to know what I am having for dinner tonight, so not knowing what this little munchkin is inside of me is KILLING ME not knowing!

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