Friday, March 30, 2012


After going shopping for Maternity clothes its finally hitting me that I am going to get bigger... (not to sure how I really feel about it, but its for a good reason. Hoping that I don't over due it and gain 50 lbs) My Nana and Aunt Brandy have talked me into getting a pair of jeans with the belly band... and a pair of shorts also with the belly band... (This should be an interesting summer, but I WILL be rocking the bikinis, baby and all :) )


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  2. Note to self- USE THE PREVIEW BUTTON BEFORE YOU POST! I would strongly recommend it- I put my last post up without previewing it and I CAN’T SPELL!!

    But my post was to share my version of this past weekend's Field Trip to the Maternity Section which I like to call "I'm Freakin Pregnant"!

    Let's just admit Whit has always been in shape. We also know she likes to wear clothes that accentuate the "Positives" :) and the close and immediate family all know she had the six pack, the buns of steel and all those other yummy things that you have when you are the ripe ole age of 20 BUT THAT IS IN THE PAST- Say Bye -Bye. Not the part of taking care of yourself- exercise is good for you and the baby BUT your body is and will continue to change- you’re just started into your 2nd Trimester so there is lots more in store.
    You have to realize you have officially turned a corner in your life-and I say this with as much love as I can- IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU ANYMORE. You must pack up those daisy dukes, the little tops that barely covered your milk makers :) the sexy underwear and MOST IMPORTANTLY – NO EXCUSES YOU MUST THROW THOSE LITTLE BLACK PANTS you have been living in since you got prego AWAY- don’t box them- trash them.

    Back to the Field Trip- Here's Whit with an arm load of “M” clothes-heading (well kinda waddling) to the dressing room spouting out reason after reason on why one shirt wouldn’t work and then GET THIS ALL OF US WHO KNOW OUR WHIT- she even tried to convince us the Capri pants with prego band were too expensive (ask Kriste how many times that has happened) anyway mom and I knew she was grasping at straws but mom and I were ready for her- so she finally just tried on the clothes AND DARN IT I DIDN’T HAVE A CAMERA- when she tried on the maternity outfit mom and I threw at her- She was sooooo cute- it was the 1st time it hit me – “OMG our curly headed little Whit is Pregnant”- I recovered quickly and told her with mom’s help that the pants were made for comfort and the shirt we picked (that she wouldn't get for some stupid reason) was the absolute best maternity shirt- it got tight under the milk makers and then flared out for the stomach- everything she tried had room for u to move without worrying if you were showing off your plumbers ASS- and they beat the hell out of those black pants you passing off as comfortable.

    I am sure your aunts and cousins and whoever joins us on this website will tell you those Capri pants and shorts that you got with the prego band will BE YOUR FAVORITE in no time at all. I want you to be PROUD OF THAT BUMP cuz we all know that once peanut is born you will have plenty of time to get back into shape- running around after a small one helps and you know your mom will share her “Drop that Weight” secret with you.....
    SO STOP WORRYING ABOUT WHO YOU WERE AND START PREPARING FOR WHO YOU ARE- you are an expected mother, you have so much to think thru than your weight before peanut- Enjoy eating for two and KNOW that your baby NEEDS the extra food. YOUR DOCTOR SAID SO. Gaining 1 whole pound is a little less than they recommend. You know I say everything with love-but I wouldn't be doing you any favors if I didn't stay on your butt about gaining weight! Well there is my first novel I have many more things to add- so hopefully I get you some input from your relatives and friends that have been thru this like YOUR MOM if we can ever get her on here, NANA +5, Martha, Alex’s mother and grandmother (and anyone else on his side I don’t know) then there is Cheri, Lori, Bobby, Briana, Zack & Kelley, Jill (but we need to send the link via her email) Your Aunt Penny, Jake Heflin and his girlfriend, my mother-in-law and lots lots more!! We need to help a new mother out. REMEMBER PEEPS IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO RAISE A CHILD. WE ARE WHIT’S VILLAGE
