Friday, March 30, 2012


After going shopping for Maternity clothes its finally hitting me that I am going to get bigger... (not to sure how I really feel about it, but its for a good reason. Hoping that I don't over due it and gain 50 lbs) My Nana and Aunt Brandy have talked me into getting a pair of jeans with the belly band... and a pair of shorts also with the belly band... (This should be an interesting summer, but I WILL be rocking the bikinis, baby and all :) )

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 28th

Wednesday: Travel day.

Well today I am going to be driving about 4 hours to get to my Nana's house, hoping for the best. I finally have a week and a half off of work so this is a much needed vacation!!!!

Finally made it after what felt like a lifetime of driving, I am in Charl eston WV. The little munchkin didn't like going up the Fancy Gap mountain (I think it could tell the air pressure was changing... but I could just be crazy) I can tell when s/he moves now, So that's very EXCITING for me! Now that I am here I get to be babied and taken care of until Saturday ;).

Traveling again on Saturday, wish me luck! (Going to my Popaw's house in Bishop,WV)

Monday, March 26, 2012

15 weeks!!!!

March 26, (Monday) 15 WEEKS!

I guess the peanut wanted everyone to know that it's alive and kicking because I had a terrible night of cramps and I swear that I felt it flipping all night long. I thought the day would get better when I got to work, but the boys were crazy today. But with them being crazy it only prepares me for my little munchkin. If I can deal with two crazies by myself I think I can handle one of my own.

CRAZY CRAVINGS: apples, chocolate, super cold drinks, Cici's pizza

Sunday, March 25, 2012



I feel like everyone is going to be thinking of a few of these and I just want almost everything answered already. But I would still love to answer any questions :)

-Was this planned?

No, this wasn't planned but were excited and hoping for the best.

-Am I getting married?

Me and Alex (the boyfriend/Daddy) don't want a baby to cause a marriage, or to be rushed into anything. We want to be 100% sure of our decisions after this big one.

-How far along am I?

Well today is Sunday, so im still in my 14th week (14 weeks and 6 days). As of Monday (March 26) Ill be 15 weeks :) The Doctors have put my due date to be September 17 2012!

-Do we know what it is?

Not yet :(....Alex wants to wait, but I think I can talk him out of that ;). If you know me I need to know what I am having for dinner tonight, so not knowing what this little munchkin is inside of me is KILLING ME not knowing!