Monday, September 10, 2012

39 weeks!

Well I guess I have a stubborn little boy on my hands... (Just like his momma..that may not be a good thing...) Well after a long day of doctors, and the hospital I am back at my house just waiting...

I have been told I have boarder line Preeclampsia... meaning a high blood pressure pregnancy.
I am 2cm dilated... and have low fluid surrounding Waylon 
They would have kept me and induced me, but they let me decide if I wanted to possibly be in labor for over 12 hours or go home and wait it out... and seeing as how they weren't going to let me eat if I stayed.... I decided to go home to eat :) ... and wait it out

Back to the doctors on Thursday to see whats going on, if Waylon doesn't decide to come out before than...

1 comment:

  1. Well I must say that shirt definetly covers the belly- I know you are so ready you just wait until he is- think of all the times we get to say we told you not to rush it- you think your tired now what till he gets here- I hope to stay as long as I can to help you get used to the schedule and then as soon as I leave he will change the schedule. You are going to do great but like me and Nana says we can't wait to be with you prelabor and after I bet you that you are going to be screaming for the epideral- All we hope is he is healthy and you too. I hope you have a way to print this blog out for his baby book - you know you love the videos and stories and he will too. He won't believe some of it- what if he ends up hating cowboys - he has no choice but to like WVU or he will get a hillbilly spankin- just kidding I never spank- Your life is about to change from everything you know it. I love you and we will be right there with you.
