Monday, September 10, 2012

39 weeks!

Well I guess I have a stubborn little boy on my hands... (Just like his momma..that may not be a good thing...) Well after a long day of doctors, and the hospital I am back at my house just waiting...

I have been told I have boarder line Preeclampsia... meaning a high blood pressure pregnancy.
I am 2cm dilated... and have low fluid surrounding Waylon 
They would have kept me and induced me, but they let me decide if I wanted to possibly be in labor for over 12 hours or go home and wait it out... and seeing as how they weren't going to let me eat if I stayed.... I decided to go home to eat :) ... and wait it out

Back to the doctors on Thursday to see whats going on, if Waylon doesn't decide to come out before than...

Thursday, September 6, 2012



So I am 100% sure that my little fella is a genius ;)... Not only does he like the RIGHT teams!!!! :) He can tell me when they are winning. 

How so....????

 Me and the munchkin were so tired last night we didn't get to watch the whole cowboys game, but guess who decided to wake up his momma and I happened to turn the TV on just as the game was ending and guess who was jumping for joy....

I cant wait for him to be sporting his teams in his little onesies  :)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

West Virginia Baby!


Well I am proud to say my baby is a Mountaineer fan! :) I have been worried for the past two days, because he hasn't moved much but as soon as WVU scored today he started moving! :) I think that's a sign I am already raising a smart boy ;)